Fermented Hot Sauce

I started making this hot sauce about 5 years ago without thinking much about it. Since then it has been quite well received, so it is time to share the recipe. I use a variety of different hot peppers, from green jalapeños to habenero to cherry bombs. My favorite is anything red…I make it with green jalapeños, but personally prefer either red jalapeños, perhaps with a few habanero for good measure. Have fun with it and know that it will turn out flavorful and interesting no matter what pepper varieties you mix up. I also do not get to particular about measuring out the ingredients perfectly.

Raw Fermented Hot Sauce
Make about 10-15 ounces

  • About 15-20 hot peppers

  • 2-4 cloves garlic

  • 2 Tablespoons organic cane sugar

  • 2 teaspoons sea salt

  • About 1/4 cup organic wine vinegar


Wash peppers in vinegar bath and remove stems. I recommend wearing gloves. Place whole peppers in a high powered blender with the garlic cloves, sugar and salt. Blend until completely smooth; only add water if needed to create a perfectly smooth blend. Transfer to a glass jar. I use a glass jar with a lid that is fitted with an airlock (as pictured). The jar can also be covered loosely with the lid.

Allow this to ferment on the counter for 3-7 days…this will depend on how hot the temperature is in your kitchen when you are fermenting. If the temperature is cooler, it will take longer and it will fine to be left longer. If however it is quite hot, you will need to stop the fermentation sooner and finish the process. You are looking for air bubbles and pockets of air throughout the paste.

Once this is achieved, return the fermented paste to the blender to blend with the vinegar. If a thinner consistency is desired, add more vinegar to thin it out. Bottle and store in the fridge. Will keep easily for two years refrigerated.

Jennifer Thornton
Owner & Educator, Buttercream & Olive Oil

Jennifer Thornton